Home -> User interface -> Transfers -> Files on Your PC
Files on Your PC

Here you can operate files, located on your PC.

  1. Selection of local current folder.

    You can change current local folder by several ways:

    After changing folder you can see it's path in Current folder edit-box and files and folders it contain - in file list

    Just after connection with dkBooster server current folder automatically changed to your default Downloads folder

  2. File list.

    For each file shown name, size, date and time of creation, you can sort files by any of this parameters by clicking on the heading of column. The second click will reverse an order of sorting. You will see a mark to the left of the column text - or

    By clicking right mouse button on any file the context menu will appear with the list of possible actions. You can do the same actions by clicking buttons located at the right.

    Double click on a file will open it in a default application, double click on a folder will open this folder.

  3. Possible actions:
    Start Upload - starts upload of selected file to your account. If you have enough space on your account selected file will appear in the list of current downlodings, otherwise, if there is not enough space on your account, you will receive error massage. For more details about downloading process see Current transfers
    Open - open file with default application or move you to required folder.
    Note: Video preview files (files with ".preview" extension) will be opened in
    Video preview dialog.
    Delete - delete selected file. Note: you can not delete folder.
    Details - open standard Windows Explorer "File Properties" window.

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